Hi everyone happy Thursday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season so far. I just celebrated my birthday and now I am getting into the holiday spirit! A while ago I had made these cute little origami gift boxes and I got an over whelming response on how to make them. I thought this would be the perfect time to share that little secret. I am always looking for new ways to package gifts and these little boxes are perfect...they take maybe 10 minutes to make and are perfect for gift cards or any special little gift.

First you are going to start with 2 12x12 sheets of patterned paper. They can be single sided since we are going to fold them. Choose which sheet you want for your bottom and cut that down to 11.5 x 11.5 inches.

Next you are going to fold that in half one way and then fold it in half the other way. You can use a bone folder to sharpen the creases. Open it back up and fold each corner in.

Once you have all 4 corners folded you are going to fold one side to the center and then fold the other side to meet your first fold. Repeat the other way.

Open your last 4 folds to look like this:

Now you are going to pull the top and bottom triangles out and fold the edges upright.

Now, holding the sides in place, pull the top triangle up and tuck inside...you may want to secure it with some double sided tape. Repeat on the other side.

This is what your bottom should look like:

For the top of the box you are going to do the same exact thing. This one will be a little bit bigger than the bottom part. Now you can decorate your box any way you like. I chose to make a bow to match my box. To do this you need to cut 7 1.5 x 12 inch strips. Fold 6 of the strips in half securing with a staple. Once you have all of your strips cut and secured layer them to form your bow. With your last strip fold it to form a circle big enough to fill the center of your bow. You can make smaller bows if you like, just cut the length of your strips smaller. Attach your bow to the top of your box and you are ready to fill it up and send it to that special someone!
Products used: All Through The Year 12 x 12 Super Pad-PA-1991 by Momenta